Dokumentasie vir hierdie module kan geskep word by: Module:bn-translit/doc
-- Transliteration for Bengali
local export = {}
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match
local conv = {
-- consonants
['ক্ষ'] = 'kkh', ['জ্ঞ'] = 'gy',
['ক'] = 'k', ['খ'] = 'kh', ['গ'] = 'g', ['ঘ'] = 'gh', ['ঙ'] = 'ṅ',
['চ'] = 'c', ['ছ'] = 'ch', ['জ'] = 'j', ['ঝ'] = 'jh', ['ঞ'] = 'ñ',
['ট'] = 'ṭ', ['ঠ'] = 'ṭh', ['ড'] = 'ḍ', ['ঢ'] = 'ḍh', ['ণ'] = 'n',
['ত'] = 't', ['থ'] = 'th', ['দ'] = 'd', ['ধ'] = 'dh', ['ন'] = 'n',
['প'] = 'p', ['ফ'] = 'ph', ['ব'] = 'b', ['ভ'] = 'bh', ['ম'] = 'm',
['য'] = 'j', ['র'] = 'r', ['ল'] = 'l', ['ৱ'] = 'w',
['শ'] = 'ś', ['ষ'] = 'ṣ', ['স'] = 's', ['হ'] = 'h',
['য়'] = 'y', ['ড়'] = 'ṛ', ['ঢ়'] = 'ṛh',
-- visarga
['ঃ'] = 'ḥ',
-- vowel diacritics
['ি'] = 'i', ['ু'] = 'u', ['ৃ'] = 'ri', ['ে'] = 'e', ['ো'] = 'o',
['া'] = 'a', ['ী'] = 'i', ['ূ'] = 'u', ['ৈ'] = 'oi', ['ৌ'] = 'ou',
-- vowel signs
['অ'] = 'ô', ['ই'] = 'i', ['উ'] = 'u', ['ঋ'] = 'ri', ['এ'] = 'e', ['ও'] = 'o',
['আ'] = 'a', ['ঈ'] = 'i', ['ঊ'] = 'u', ['ঐ'] = 'oi', ['ঔ'] = 'ou',
['্'] = '',
-- chôndrôbindu
["ঁ"] = "̃",
-- ônussar
['ং'] = 'ng',
-- ôbôgrôhô
-- khôndô tô
['ৎ'] = 't',
-- numerals
['০'] = '0', ['১'] = '1', ['২'] = '2', ['৩'] = '3', ['৪'] = '4', ['৫'] = '5', ['৬'] = '6', ['৭'] = '7', ['৮'] = '8', ['৯'] = '9',
-- punctuation
['।'] = '.', -- dari
local deaspirate = {
['খ'] = 'ক', ['ঘ'] = 'গ',
['ছ'] = 'চ', ['ঝ'] = 'জ',
['ঠ'] = 'ট', ['ঢ'] = 'ড',
['থ'] = 'ত', ['ধ'] = 'দ',
['ফ'] = 'প', ['ভ'] = 'ব',
['ঢ়'] = 'ড়',
function, lang, sc)
local c = '([কষজঞকখগঘঙচছজঝঞটঠডঢণতথদধনপফবভমযরলৱশষসহ]়?)'
local y = 'য়'
local r = 'র'
local v = '([ô্িুৃেোাীূৈৌঅইউঋএওআঈঊঐঔ])'
local virama = '্'
local n = '(ং?)'
local no_virama = gsub(v,virama,"")
text = text .. " "
text = gsub(text, c .. '্য', function(f)
if deaspirate[f] then
return deaspirate[f] .. '্' .. f
text = gsub(text, c, "%1ô")
text = gsub(text, "ô".. "([ô্িুৃেোাীূৈৌ])", "%1")
text = gsub(text, v .. n .. c .. "ô ", function(j, k, l) -- ending
return l == y and j .. k .. l .. "ô " or j .. k .. l .. " "
local pattern = v .. n .. c .. "ô" .. c .. no_virama
local continue = true
while continue do
continue = false
text = gsub(text,"(.*)" .. pattern,
function(d, e, f, g, h, i)
if g ~= y and g ~= r then
continue = true
return (g == y or g == r) and d .. e .. f .. g .. "ô" .. h .. i or d .. e .. f .. g .. h .. i
text = gsub(text, "([যডঢ]়)", conv)
text = gsub(text, "ক্ষ", "kkh")
text = gsub(text, "জ্ঞ", "gg")
text = gsub(text, ".", conv)
text = gsub(text, "ː(.)", "%1%1")
text = gsub(text, " ?।", ".")
-- vowel fix
text = gsub(text, "([āēeo]y)ô ", "%1 ")
-- nasalization fix
text = gsub(text, "ôN ", "ông ")
text = gsub(text, "N", "ng")
-- tb / sb -> t / s
text = gsub(text, "([tsś])b", "%1")
text = gsub(text, " $", "")
return mw.ustring.toNFC(text)
return export